The Albums

    In February 2005 Todd R. Uebele, Sr. and RJI Philatelics had a meeting to discuss publishing a reference book for the Flag Over Porch Stamp. In the discussions the subject of publishing an album came up. Was now the right time to develop and publish a Flag Over Porch Specialty Album? The answer was yes, and a first draft was made up. That draft was shared with several dealers and individuals for review.

    The feedback that came back was very helpful and welcome. We learned that there were three distinct collecting areas of interest in the hobby. As a result of this feedback and other comments and suggestions, it was decided that a three part series should be created. If we tried representing all three in one album, the final product would have been too costly. Thus the three part Flag Over Porch Album series was born. Part I is for singles, Part II is for coil strips of five, and Part III is for booklets and booklet panes.

    Part I was released in May 2005. It was very well received by both dealers and individuals. Part II was released in July 2005 at the CHARPEX stamp show in Charlotte, NC. These albums were also well received by dealers and individuals. Part III was released in November 2005. Sales are now and continue to be brisk for all three, with several combos also being sold, (See Price List). We believe that the success of these albums is because of the willingness of the author and publisher to create a series which meet the needs for all levels of collectors. Three favorable reviews[1] from three separate philatelic publications during September & October 2005, attest to the quality and success of these albums.

Click on the cover photos to view sample pages.

Part I - Singles

Part II - Coils

Part III - Booklets

Part III - Booklets, Optional

Vertical Cabinet

15" Wide X 27" High X 12" Deep, Price $48.50

Vertical Cabinet, lay flat

Horizontal Cabinet

24" Wide X 18" X High X 12" Deep, Price $48.50

Horizontal Cabinet,lay upright

Horizontal Cabinet with Albums

1 Please contact the Author or Publisher for details of these reviews.